The Rutherfords of Hunthill
The Rutherfords of Roxburghshire by Gary Rutherford Harding
Our Rutherford family comes from a beautiful area of the Scottish Borders called Roxburghshire. We descend from the Rutherford cadet of Hunthill located a short distance south from Jedburgh. In theory, all Scottish Rutherfords share roots in Roxburghshire and are divided into family groups called cadets; Edgerston, Hunthill, Hundalee, Fairnington, Mossburnford, Bowland and Fairnilie. Over the last 250 years, we have been dislocated as a people from Scotland in what is called a diaspora or a "scattering of seed". As a result, our Scottish roots and family history may have become distant issues? It is my hope that this web page will help raise our awareness of our ancestor's achievements and make us proud of our heritage as 'The Rutherfords of Roxburghshire'.
The Rutherford Diaspora - 7 waves of emigration:
1 – The 10th century to 1066 – with the battle of Hastings began immigration of Flemish and Norman knights and nobility into England, Wales Scotland and Ireland. The Rutherfords were members of the Flemish warrior class who fought along side of William the Conqueror and settled in Yorkshire, eventually migrating to Roxburghshire, Scotland.
2 – 1066 to 1140 – a period of Norman and Flemish expansion into Scotland through the concerted efforts of King David I of Scotland. 1140 being the first documented appearance of a Rutherford in medieval Roxburghshire.
3 – 1140 to June 24, 1314 - Robert the Bruce defeated King Edward II of England at Bannockburn. After 1314 all families, including the Rutherfords, were required to choose whether they were English or Scottish. The presently accepted family divisions [cadets] in England and Scotland were soon to develop on national rather than familial grounds.
4 – 1314 to 1706/7 - With the ‘Unification of the Parliaments’, a free and independent Scotland ceased to exist. This period is characterized by Rutherford movements into other areas of Scotland, such as, Ayrshire and Perth and south into Northumberland. Also Rutherford Protestants are found in Northern Ireland from the 1640s onward. This was also the period of Rutherford mercenary service in Europe, particularly Sweden, France and the Netherlands.
5 - 1707 to 1781 – The Scottish reformation and the National Covenants took many Rutherford Protestants to Northern Ireland in search of religious freedom and onward to the American colonies. This period is characterized by Rutherford movements to Ireland and America, principally Pennsylvania, Delaware, Virginia, as well as, the Caribbean.
6 - 1788 to the end of WWI - This period is characterized by Rutherford movements to British colonial holdings in Canada, South Africa, New Zealand and Australia. Rutherfords in the USA were moving west with the rest of America.
7 - 1918 to the present - This period is characterized by Rutherford movements domestically within the countries mentioned above, as well as, continued emigration to New Zealand, Australia and Canada from Great Britain. American Rutherfords were moving from the farm to the city.
The Hunthill Genealogy in Scotland, Holland, Ireland and America
Generation 1
- 1. Sir George Rutherford and Jonet Rutherfurd (c.1380 - c.1428)
The progenitor of the Hunthill cadet was Sir George Rutherford of Chatto. Sir George was married to Janet Rutherfurd of Edgerston. Chatto and Hunthill are ancient estates quite near each other in Roxburghshire, Scotland. The family was later styled “of Hunthill” in the lifetime of Sir George’s son Robert. Sir George Rutherford of Chatto was the squire of Archibald Douglas, 4th Earl of Douglas.
Generation 2
--2. Sir Robert Rutherford of Chatto and Margaret Glendonwyn (c.1410 - 1490/5)
Margaret Glendonwyn, daughter of Sir Simon Glendonwyn married Sir Robert Rutherford of Chatto (a 1484, d before 05.1495) who acquired the land in Roxburghshire that is called Hunthill through marriage. He had confirmation of his late father's gift of Nether Chatto on November 21, 1429 from Archibald 4th Earl of Douglas, as "his dear esquire", with a Crown confirmation on March 25, 1439. His wife, Margaret Glendonwyn, was the grand daughter of Sir Adam de Glendonwyn and Margaret de Wauchope.
Generation 3
---3. George Rutherford I of Hunthill and Mariota (c.1435 - 1495/6)
In September 1484, following the battle of the Battle of Kirtle, Windydoors was let to Robert and his son George (ER IX, 609); the tack was renewed in 1486, 1488 and 1490 (Ib IX, 619; X, 652, 680) but Robert probably died before March 4, 1491/2 when the lease was to George and Robert’s grandson William (Ibid X, 738). He certainly died by May 1495. By his wife Margaret daughter of Sir Simon Glendonwyn of that Ilk and his wife Elizabeth, d/o Alexander Lindsay, 2nd Earl of Crawford.
George Rutherford’s grandfather, Sir Simon Glendonwyn, was highly esteemed by King James II, of Scotland. He married 1st before Jan 3, 1436-7 to kinswoman, Agnes Helborn or Hepborn, 2nd another kinswoman, Lady Elizabeth Lindsay daughter of Alexander, 2nd Earl of Crawford, 3rd Marjory Johnstone, survived him, Simon died. in battle, May 1, 1455
Generation 4
----4. William Rutherford of Hunthill (c.1455-?1507)
George Rutherford I of Hunthill's son William was joint tenant of Windydoors in 1492 and had sasine of Nether Chatto and related properties in 1496 (ER X, 772). A letter of reversion in Thomas Rutherfurd’s of Edgerstons favour by William Rutherford of Chatto over the lands of Castlewoodfields in the barony of Hownam, dated at Hunthill July 11 that year is among the Edgerston papers,. No more is known of him except that he died before November 1507 when his son was served heir.
Generation 5
-----5. George Rutherford II of Hunthill and Elizabeth Turnbull (c.1475 - 1522)
Incorrectly referred to as 'John', he was served heir to his father in Nether Chatto on November 2, 1507 (Rutherford charters in the Register House, Edinburgh; EdgCh).
He was probably the George who attested a Peeblesshire charter of David Lindsay in January 1508/9. (The register of the Great Seal of Scotland, ed. J .M. Thomson etc., 11 vols. (1882-1914) II N.3315) David Lindsay was the nephew of Sir Simon Glendonwyn. David's parents Alexander Lindsay - 7th Earl of Crawford and Isobel Campbell were the brother of Sir Simon Glendonwyn's wife; Elizabeth Lindsay.
At Edinburgh on May 18, 1516 George Rutherford signed a bond of manrent to Alexander Lord Home, subscribed also by Thomas of Edgerston and John of Hundalee and witnessed by his brother Archibald (MS 12, App VIII, 92). Alexander Lord Home was the brother-in-law of Catherine Rutherford wife of Lord James Stewart of Traquair and a descendant, like the Rutherfords, of the Lauder family.
Generation 6
------6. John Rutherford I of Hunthill (c.1510-1577) m1. before May 1530, Christine Hoppringle m2. by 1555 Isobel Ker d/o Sir Walter Ker of Cessford m.3 unknown Gordon female
At the same time Philip Rutherford of Edgerston also married Isobel's sister Elizabeth Ker at Cessford 2/12/1484 - Elizabeth died 1545
An agreement was signed to end longstanding bad blood with the Kers at Ancrum on June 6, 1560, providing for the settlement of the murder of Andrew Ker of Corbethouse by John Rutherford and his friends; John's second son William was to marry Haufie Ker or pay £500, and John Rutherford the younger of Hunthill had to beg pardon for the deed in church.
Generation 7
-------7. William Rutherford of Littleheuch and Haufie Ker (c.1545 - c.1620)
William was the founder of the Littleheuch line of Capehope and Kirkraw. A Littleheuch is a small glen with steep sides.
William Rutherford of Littleheuch was also unknown to earlier Rutherford writers, The Scots peerage thought he was John II's son, but the latter John's son William was a contemporary of William of Littleheuch's sons. John I had a second son William who under the 1560 pact with the Kers was to marry Haufie Ker or pay a penalty, and this must be the Littleheuch William; no other identity for him is tenable, and virtual proof is a reference in 1588 to 'the Lairde of Hunthill's brother' as a night raider waylaying the Morpeth post in England, which suits Littleheuch's behaviour (Calendar of letters and papers relating to the Borders of England and Scotland, 2 vols. (1894-5) I, 319).
Generation 8
--------8. William Rutherford of Nether Nisbet brother of Richard Rutherford aka "Dickon, Draw the Sword" cousin german to the Earl of Huntly
The Pistol Fight ….. The assumption is that the “pistol fight” which involved so many Rutherfords in 1601 was over land. William of Nether Nisbet was among the combatants who also included William and Thomas ‘the younger’ of Hunthill, Robert and Adam of Littleheuch, bailie of Jedburgh, Walter Rutherford of Chatto, Andrew Rutherford called “Philp's Andro”, Nicol Rutherfurd of Edgerston and Robin Rutherfurd of Edgerston.
Generation 9
---------9. Captain James Rutherford b. abt 1605 Nisbet, Roxburgshire, Scotland d. bef. 9/3/1668 An officer in the Scots Brigade of the Dutch army at Utrecht, Holland will: 3/9/1667-1668 Edinburgh m. [1] Margaret Gladstaines/Gladstone 11/24/1639 Fort Crevecoeur, Netherlands
James Rutherford was an officer in the Dutch service. It was he who conveyed the invitation to his brother, the Rev. Samuel Rutherford, to become a professor at Utrecht. James' two sons who fought at the battle of Boyne received lands in Tyrone and Down counties, Ireland. By deduction, James was the father of Rev. Samuel Rutherford, the Presbyterian minister in Ireland.
A Scots brigade existed in Holland as early as the 1570’s. From that time generations of Scots crossed the North Sea to serve their Dutch friends and allies. Late in the 18th century the Dutch disbanded their Scots Brigade.
Capt. James Rutherford was a Scot who served in the Scots Brigade and was a resident of Utrecht. Grave, 's Hertogenbosch and Fort Crevecoeur. It was he who conveyed the invitation to his brother, the Rev. Samuel Rutherford, to become a professor at Utrecht. The Dutch records show Jheemes Rutherford marrying Maragreta Gledstein. The Hunthill Rutherfords intermarried frequently with the Gledstaines (Gladstones). Jheemes Ridderfort of Scotland and Margariet Gleetseel had their banns published in 's-Hertogenbosch and Woudrichem in the Province of Noord-Brabant on 10/22/1639 and they were married in the Fort Crevecoeur near 's-Hertogenbosch on 11/24/1639. ["De huwelijkintekeningen van Schotse militairen in Nederland, 1574-1665" by Dr. Ir.J. Maclean, (De Walburg Pers, Zutphen 1976) - pages 165 and 320]
Kenneth Rutherford Davis "The Rutherfords in Britain: a history and guide" Alan Sutton Publishing Gloucester 1987 Pages 88 - 89
William Anderson "The Scottish Nation; or The Surnames, Families, Literature, Honours, and Biographical History of The People of Scotland," Fullarton & Co London; 1871 page 394, vol. III
The Gathering of the Clans Part I – “The Rutherford Story” Compiled by Edna Rutherford Davey 1955 – 1957 pages 5-7 & page 72
Generation 10
----------10. Rev. Samuel Rutherford b. ca 1659 Presbyterian minister banished to Ireland in 1689 settled in co. Monaghan
Rev. Samuel Rutherford was a Presbyterian minister whose dissenter doctrine angered the "established church", the Church of England. In 1689 the Rev. Samuel Rutherford was banished from Scotland to Ireland where he settled in Monaghan County. ("A History of Congregations in the Presbyterian Church in Ireland 1610 - 1982" published by the Presbyterian Historical Society of Ireland-1982)
The Gathering of the Clans Part I – “The Rutherford Story” Compiled by Edna Rutherford Davey 1955 – 1957 pages 5-7 & page 72
New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Virginia
Generation 11
-----------11. James Rutherford Sr. m. [1] Mary
Rev. Samuel Rutherford had three known sons and one daughter that came to America: James Rutherford Sr, Robert Rutherford Sr, John Rutherford [father of Gen. Griffith Rutherford] and Martha Sarah Rutherford.
“He [Dr. Cadwalader] conveyed the property on February 4, 1754, to James Rutherford, “yeoman,” who in turn conveyed it to Robert Rutherford, his nephew, by deed dated July 27, 1759. The deed refers to the grantee as “tavern keeper”; Robert Rutherford had been licensed to keep a tavern three years before.”
1] New Jersey Archives Vol. XII, p. 661
2] Deed Book G. 3, p. 78, Office of the Secretary of State
New Jersey State Archives 185 West State Street Level 2 New Jersey State Library Building Trenton, NJ
James Rutherford Sr. of Trenton, NJ - the original Rutherford owner of the Black Horse, died prior to 1757/8. His son James Rutherford Jr took possession of the Black Horse when he signed over the tavern to Robert Rutherford on July 27, 1759 in Lunenburg Co, VA. He also signed the final will and testament of Francis Graham [Grimes] on the same day on July 27, 1759 IN Lunenburg Co, VA. The New Jersey Archives’ abstract reduces two transactions [1754 and 1759] into one, otherwise the citation is an accurate primary record which ties the Rutherfords of Lunenburg Co, VA with the Rutherfords of Trenton, NJ. The use of the title “yeoman” for James Rutherford has led some in the family to believe that James Sr was dead in 1759 and the term “yeoman” may refer to James Jr. in Lunenburg, VA since at that time ‘yeoman’ was used as a military term in Ireland [James Sr] and was a term for a landed farmer in NJ and PA [James Jr.].
Close study of the Blunston Licenses and the will of Francis Graham prove many other relationships between the participants and verify the Rutherford, Lawson, Weakley and Graham migrations from the Blunston Tract to the “Caldwell Settlement” at Cub Creek, VA.
January 24th, 1734: The Blunston Tract
Francis Graham is also known as Francis Grimes and Francis Grymes in the PA and VA records. Francis Graham [aka Francis Grimes] held Blunston License #81, James Rutherford held license #80, John Rutherford held license #78 and Robert Rutherford with his grandson Robert Weakley held license #77. Francis Graham’s executors, John Lawson and William Lawson, also held licenses at the Blunston Tract alongside James Rutherford. William Lawson held license #85 and John Lawson is found on Blunston License MS page 14 – number unknown. Their father, Francis Lawson held License #82. The Grahams and Lawsons, like the Weakleys and Rutherfords, were intermarried.
All the above Blunston Licenses were issued on January 24th, 1734 indicating they migrated together to the Cumberland Valley at Letort Spring, PA and obviously end up together in Lunenburg Co, VA at Cub Creek.
The Caldwell Settlement at Cub Creek, VA
July 27th, 1759: the Will of Francis Graham aka Francis Grimes aka Francis Grymes
July 27, 1759. I, Francis Graham of the Parish of Cumberland and Lunenburg being sick & weak in body:
To my wife Ann - her thirds [terce].To my 3 sons, David Graham, William Graham, and Francis Graham - 120 £, to be equally divided between them, and to be put to interest for their use, and the interest I allow to pay for their schooling and clothing. To my daughter Jean - my bay mare. To my daughter Martha - my sorrel mare colt. To my 4 daughters, Mary Graham, Jean Graham, Ann Graham, and Martha Graham - after my funeral charges and my just debts are paid, the rest of my estate is to be equally divided between them. To Elisha White - when Elisha White pays my executors 210 £, my executors are to make him a deed for the tract of land I now live on. To Nathan Andrew - when Nathan Andrew pays my executors 40 £, my executors are to make him a deed for a tract of land which I sold him, which land is mentioned in the bond he has from me.
Signed - Francis Graham Executors - John Lawson and William Lawson. Witnesses - James Rutherford, Bartlet Green.
James’ son Samuel Rutherford Sr. was commissioned as an ensign in 1762 with the 15th Regt. of Foot in America (Army List 1765) and later Capt., settled at Trenton, New Jersey, where he was bur. Oct. 21, 1767. He was survived by his wife Mary and had a son: Samuel Rutherford. We have a copy of Samuel's signature. He spelled his name 'Rutherfoord', the standard spelling at that time for the Hunthill cadet. His father James Rutherford Sr. "the yeoman" also owned a house in Trenton across the river at Philadelphia. His death record was recorded in the Register of St. Mary's Church in Burlington, New Jersey, and he was buried at Trenton. Samuel Rutherford, Jr., died testate. His will, dated 24 August 1767 was proved 24 October 1767 in Hunterdon County, New Jersey. He willed his real and personal estate to his wife, Mary, and named her executrix. To his son, Samuel, he devised all his military arms and musical instruments.
His wife Mary remarried. “Mary Rutherford Poynton of Trenton, the daughter of Elisha Beadles and his wife Mary, who married as her first husband Samuel Rutherford, son of James and Mary Rutherford of Trenton, is a conspicuous example in point [in that she was a loyalist]. She had married in 1772 as her second husband Major Brereton Poynton, an officer in the British army who had served against the French in Canada.” (Collections of New Jersey Historical Society, Vol. X, pp. 173-4.)
Generation 12
------------12. James Rutherford Jr. d. 1759 Lunenburg Co., VA m. [1] Rosannah "Rose" d. bef. 11/6/1759
In 1734 and 1735, 250 men obtained licenses from Samuel Blunston for land in the Cumberland Valley including: John Rutherford, James Rutherford, Robert Rutherford, Rev. John Thomson [local pastor], James Weakley [a Rutherford cousin], William Weakley [a Rutherford cousin] and John Beard.
James Rutherford - Blunston licenses page 8 - August 24th, 1734 - 200 acres on LeTort Spring Run - no survey – just outside contemporary Carlisle, PA.
When settlement west of the Susquehanna River in the Cumberland Valley began in earnest in the 1730s, the first people to pour across the river were Presbyterians of Scots-Irish descent. For the next 30 years most settlers of Carlisle and the surrounding area continued to be Scots-Irish. The late William Swaim wrote that the Scots Irish turned the Cumberland Valley into the "Presbyterian Valley" between the mid-1730s and the arrival of German immigrants about 1763. By the mid-1750s Presbyterians from the lowlands of Scotland followed the Scots Irish and settled across the southern counties of Pennsylvania. By 1740 Scots Irish families had established several Presbyterian churches, including Silvers' Spring in what is now Silver Spring Township, Meeting House Spring in Carlisle, Big Spring in Newville and Middle Spring near Shippensburg.
These are the original 12 licenses issued by Samuel Blunston as the land agent for the Penn Family in 1734 for the LeTort Spring neighborhood. Notice that, with the exception of Robert Miller and Samuel Chambers [licenses #1 and #2], the licenses were issued consecutively from #77 to #91 indicating that these families traveled to the Cumberland together and all received their land warrants on the same day, August 24th, 1734. License numbers 83 - 85 which break the sequence were issued to John Boyd [#83], William Thompson [#84] and William Lawson [#85]. These 3 men all received their warrants on August 24th, 1734, as well, and went south to Cub Creek with the Rutherfords sometime after 1738.
1 - Robert Miller - license #1 - January 24th, 1734 - Robert Miller, 200 acres. No Survery returned. At the head of LeTort Spring. Robert Miller is not found in Lunenburg - Joseph and John Miller are.
2 - Samuel Chambers - license #2 - March 30th,1734 - Samuel Chambers 200 acres. (No Survey returned. To be taken where the same may be found Vacant and return the Bounds. (No Bounds returned) Samuel Chambers is not found in Lunenburg - Nathaniel Chambers is.
3 - Robert Rutherford - license #77 - August 24th,1734 - Robert Rutherford for himself and his grandson Robert Wakely [Weakley]. No Survey. On LeTort Spring Joining to the West side of Samuel Chambers. Robert Rutherford is not found in Lunenburg – Robert Weakley his grandson is.
4 - John Rutherford - license #78 - August 24th, 1734 - John Rutherford, 200 acres. No survey. On the South side of Letort Spring Bounded by the westward by William Craig. John Rutherford is not found in Lunenburg - unique entry for John Rutherford which was Griffith Rutherford’s father’s name. No known connection.
5 - William Craig - license #79 - August 24th 1734 - William Craig, 150 acres. No Survey. On the side of LeTort Spring Bounded to the Eastward by the land of John Rutherford. William Craig is found in Lunenburg.
6 - James Rutherford - license #80 - August 24th 1734 - James Rutherford, 200 acres. No Survey. At head of LeTort Spring. James Rutherford is found in the Lunenburg tithes with his son William Rutherford, as well as, Griffith Rutherford.
7 - Francis Grimes - license #81 - August 24th, 1734 - Francis Grimes, 200 acres. No survey. At the Round Meadow on the north Side of Yellow Britches Creek. Francis Grimes is found in the Lunenburg tithes next to the Caldwells.
8 - Francis Lawson - license #82 - August 24th 1734 - , Francis Lawson, 200 acres. No Survey. On the Northside of Yellow Britches Creek where the Potowmac Road goes by the turn of the Creek at the Indian Cabin. NB this Grant is not assigned to Robert Moon. Francis Lawson is found in the Lunenburg tithes - along with Hugh, Roger, Bartholumy, Jonas, John Sr., John Jr. and William Lawson.
9 - John Hogshead - license #86 - August 24th, 1734 - John Hogshead, 200 acres. No Survey. On the South side of LeTort Spring Opposite Robert Rutherford and Bounded on the East by William Edmonston to be laid on both sides the Barren Hill. John Hogshead is not found in Lunenburg.
10 - William Wakely [Weakley] - license #88 - August 24th, 1734 - William Wakely [Weakley], 150 acres. No Survey. On the South Side of LeTort Spring and Joyning to the West side of William Craigs. William Weakley is found in the Lunenburg tithes with James Weakley and Robert Weakley.
11 - James Wakely [Weakley] - license #89 - August 24th 1734 - James Wakely [Weakley], 200 acres. No Survey. Near the head of LeTort Spring on the West side Joining on the west of James Rutherford. James Weakley is found in the Lunenburg tithes with Robert Weakley and William Weakley.
12 - William Davison [Davidson] - license # 91 - August 24th, 1734 - William Davison, 200 acres. No Survey. Where the Same may be found Vacant. No Bounds returned.
Generation 13
-------------13. William Rutherford d. aft. 2/1791 Lunenburg Co., Virginia
1749 - Deed for William Rutherford and wife Agnes Beard to William 350 Acres lying on the upper side of Falling River, including both sides of Reedy Creek, this land granted by patent to John Beard, Jan 10, 1748. John Beard conveyed by deed to William Rutherford. Witnesses: William Bumpass and Thomas Dixon. recorded April 27, 1761. [widow’s terce]
1749 - Lunenburg County Deeds, book 1 page 454 Richard Kennon, Gent, of Charles City Co., VA & William Kennon, Jr., of Henrico Co., VA to William Rutherford, 10th day of July 1749, pg 455 - patented 435 [436?] acres of land on both sides of Cub Creek
1750 - John Beard of Lunenburg County to William Rutherford "for love and affection I have for my son-in-law", 150 acres, Lunenburg County on Reedy Creek. Recorded 3, July, 1750. signed by John Beard
1751 - Will. Aug 12, 1751. I, Daniel Patterson of Lunenburg, fuller, being very sick and weak in body - Firstly, all my just debts and funeral charges are to be paid. To my 2 daughters, Catherine and Ann Patterson or either of them, coming over from Ireland - my personal estate, with all my movables, and if either of my daughters does not come oversea to enjoy the same, [to] William Lawson. Executor - said William Lawson. William Lawson is to satisfy himself out of the personal estate, and to make an equal division of the rest between him and his 2 brothers, John and David Lawson. To John Lawson - the young black mare and 1 pistoale and colt, and no more. Signed - Daniel Patterson. Witnesses - Enoch Armitage, Alex'r Irwin, Euphemie Trapnell(T her mark), James Dorchester. At Oct 2, 1751 Court, the will of the deceased was exhibited by the executor, and the same was proved by the oaths of the witnesses, and ordered to be recorded, and the executor, with Alexander Irwin and William Rutherford, his sureties, entered into bond, and certificate was granted the executor for obtaining a probate of the said will.
1752 - Lunenburg County Tithes List taken by Cornelius Cargill records William Rutherford - 1 tithe.
1755 - William Rutherford patented 300 acres of land on the branches of Beaver Creek 11/24/1755. Bedford County Deeds, book 1 page 454.
1755 - James Rutherford [Lunenburg County] and son William Rutherford [Bedford County] conveyed 1000 acres of land on both sides of Cub Creek in Lunenburg County to Matthew Watson both wives relinquished their respective dower rights. 9/2/1755. Lunenburg County Deeds, book 6 page 115 [Matthew Watson was the father-in-law of Peter Rawlings, father of his wife Mary] .
1757 - Bedford Co. Court Order Book 1, March 1757, "deed from John Beard to Vincent Glass was acknowledged by the said Beard and ordered to be recorded." Probably refers to Deed Book A- 1 for March 28, 1757, which has deed from John Beard to Vincent Glass, 200 acres both sides Falling River beginning at a maple on lower side of river to Joanes Corner onto Manley's line, for 50 pounds. .
1760 - William Rutherford sold acres 1000 of land and his wife Agnes Beard released her dower rights. William was mentioned as the son of James Rutherford as his heir-in-law. 6/4/1760 Lunenburg County Deeds, book 2 page 261.
1760 - Lunenburg Deed Bk 6 pg 262. Nov 1760 from James Logan of Lunenburg, to Peter Rawlins of Lunenburg, for 137 pounds, about 210 acres in Lunenburg on the South Side of Cub Creek and bounded by Turkey Cock Cr. Signed: James Logan. Wit: William Rutherford, John McNess, Thomas Paulet. Recorded Nov 4, 1760. .
1763 - Lunenburg Will Bk 2 page 184. Will. Sep 13, 1763. Matthew Campbell of Lunenburg Son - John Campbell. Daughter - Salle Campbell. Indicates other children but not named Exr: Wm Rutherford, John Holt, and Peter Rawlings. Wit: Wm Rutherford, Peter Rawlins, John Holt and Peter MacCown. WP Oct 13, 1763. .
1763 - Lunenburg Will Bk 9 pg 273. Oct 13, 1763 from John Watson of Louisa County, to John Clarke of Lunenburg, for 40 pounds, 271 acres in Lunenburg & bounded by Kennon's and Rutherford's corner, Richard Adams, Matthew Watson. Signed - John Watson. Wit - James Taylor, John Holt, Peter Rawlins, William Rutherford. Recorded Oct 13, 1763. [William Kennon later became a provinicial congressman along with Griffith Rutherford and William Sharp for North Carolina in April of 1775 - "John Caldwell, an elder in the Chestnut Level Presbyterian Church in Lancaster County, Penna., is the recognized founder of the Cub Creek Congregation, in which movement he was ably assisted by Andrew and Thomas Cunningham, along with 14 others who purchased land, then in Brunswick County from Richard and William Kennon." .
1763 - Lunenburg Will Bk 2 page 210. An account of sales of the estate of Matthew Campbell dec'd Oct 19, 1763. Purchasers were: Wm Rutherford, Josias East Sarah Campbell, Wm Flemen Cock, James East, Collier Barksdale, Jos Davis, John Holt, James Mitchell, Richard Gideon, James Gideon, Wm Edwards, Samuel Allin, Peter Rawlins, John Caldwell, Robt Templeton, John Brent, Wm Price, Josias Campbell, Wm Hazlewood, William Rawlins, Wm Weatherford, Geo Welch, Henry Barnes, Burwell Voden, Gidion Thomas, John White, Arthur Slayton. Rec: Feb 9, 1764. .
1764 - Lunenburg Will Bk 9 page 354. Feb 9, 1764 from William Rutherford of Bedford Co., to Peter Rawlins of Lunenburg, for 66 pounds, 100 acres in Lunenburg on the branches of Cubb Creek and bounded by trees. Signed - Wm Rutherford. Wit - none.
1764 - Lunenburg Will Bk 2 Pg 210. An account of sales of the estate of Matthew Campbell dec'd Oct 19, 1763. Purchasers were: Wm Rutherford, Josias East Sarah Campbell, Wm Flemen Cock, James East, Collier Barksdale, Jos Davis, John Holt, James Mitchell, Rich'd Gideon, James Gideon, Wm Edwards, Alex'r _erryhill, Sam'l Allin, Peter Rawlins, John Caldwell, Robt Templeton, John Brent, Wm Price, Josias Campbell, Wm Hazlewood, Wm Rawlins, Wm Weatherford, Geo Welch, Joh__udgeon, Henry Barnes, Burwell Voden, Gidion Thomas, Richard _udgeon, John White, Arthur Slayton. Rec: Feb 9, 1764. .
1774 - William Rutherford patented 358 acres of land on the west side of Falling River in Bedford County, VA 12/7/1774. Virginia Patents, #42, reel 41 page 897 VA State Library [present day Campbell County, VA] .
1774 - William Rutherford and others were among the signers of a petition to the House of Burgesses from "Presbyterian dissenters of Peaks of Otter Church". The male members of the Peaks of Otter Presbyterian Church petitioned the VA House of Burgesses for permission to own slaves and land so that they could earn enough money to be able to pay for a minister. Their petition reiterated their willingness to "contribute our Quota in Support of the Church of England" and they recognized that they enjoyed "the free Exercises of our Religion as Presbyterian Dissenters unmolested" and requested the protection of the House so that they could continue to practice their religion which they "humbly conceive is well calculated to make men wise here and happy thereafter." The petition was signed by 102 men, including ten Mitchells, seven Dooleys, five Kennedys, six Ewings, four Reeds, three Campbells, three Beards and William Rutherford. They received permissison and bought four slaves: Kate, Tom, Jerry, and Venus. (Virginia Historical Magazine vol. 12 - Published by the Virginia Historical Society. Vols. 1-68. 1893-1960) .
1779 - William Rutherford sold acres 1000 of land to David Ross. His 2nd wife Hannah Beard released her dower rights. 9/27/1779 (Bedford County Deeds, book 6-F page 340) .
1779 - Elizabeth Beard proved that in 1779 and 1781 she had furnished supplies to the Revolutionary War Army and was allowed payment. She witnessed the marriage of her grandson James Campbell in 1784/85 in Campbell Co. VA to Jane Means. She is listed in the 1785 and 1787 Campbell Co. Tax Lists, District 2. .
1780 - April 20, 1780, John Beard died. His will is recorded Bedford County, Virginia Will Book I, Pages 384-385. William Rutherford cited as a son-in-law. The will of John Beard mentions: wife, Elizabeth; granddaughter Elizabeth Campbell; daughter Elizabeth Campbell; granddaughter Isabel Boze; granddaughters Rosannah Russell, Jean Rutherford, Rachel Dixon, Ratchel Robinson; grandsons David Beard, Samuel Beard and Adam Beard; former son-in-law Edward Phair and son-in-law William Rutherford. .
1785 - Elizabeth Beard - "The 1785 Campbell County, Virginia Personal Property Tax List", District No. 2: 2 blacks under 16, 3 blacks over 16, 5 horses and 14 cattle. .
1791 - William Rutherford died after February 1791, in Lunenburg County, Virginia. Agnes Beard, daughter of John and Elizabeth Beard of Lunenburg, now Bedford County, Virginia; m. William Rutherford. Hannah Beard, married William Rutherford, before 27 September 1779. William Rutherford was named as a son-in-law of John Beard in a deed 3 July 1750. William was named as son and heir-at-law of James Rutherford 4 June 1760 and his wife Agnes relinquished her dower rights. William sold a tract of land in Bedford County, Virginia, 27 September 1779 and his wife, Hannah, relinquished her dower rights. In 1780 John Beard again referred to William Rutherford as his son-in-law.

Our Rutherford Ancestry:
1) Sir George Rutherford and Jonet Rutherfurd (c.1380 - c.1428)
2) Sir Robert Rutherford of Chatto, Scotland (c.1410 - 1490/5)
3) George Rutherford I of Hunthill, Scotland (c.1435 - 1495/6)
4) William Rutherford of Hunthill, Scotland (c.1455-1507)
5) George Rutherford II of Hunthill, Scotland (c.1475-1522)
6) John Rutherford I of Hunthill, Scotland (c.1510-1577)
7) William Rutherford of Littleheuch, Scotland (c.1545 - c.1620)
8) William Rutherford of Nether Nisbet, Scotland
9) Captain James Rutherford of Nether Nisbet and Utrecht, Holland
10) Rev. Samuel Rutherford of County Monaghan, Northern Ireland
11) James Rutherford Sr. of NJ and PA
12) James Rutherford Jr. of Cub Creek, VA
13) William Rutherford of Bedford County, VA
14) William Rutherford of Lincolnton, NC
15) David Rutherford of Washington County, IN
16) William Rutherford of Washington County, IN
17) William McKinney Rutherford of Marion County, IA
18) William Francis Rutherford of Marion County, IA
19) Albert Loyd Rutherford of Marion County, IA
20) Betty Jeanné Rutherford of San Diego, CA
21) Gary Rutherford Harding of Seattle, WA
North Carolina, Indiana, Iowa, Wyoming and Washington
Generation 14
--------------14. William Rutherford Jr. b. 1749 Cub Creek, VA d. aft. 3/18/1809 Lincolnton, Lincoln Co., NC m. [1] Elizabeth.
In 1763, the British and the Cherokee nation made a treaty agreeing that the British would settle no farther west than the crest of the Blue Ridge mountains. Around 1770 Samuel Davidson purchased a boundary of land, which included the present site of Old Fort at Catawba, consisting of 640 acres or on square mile. A stockade was raised upon a portion of this land. Captain Hugh Waddell constructed it with Colonial Militia left to guard and range the country while General Rutherford led with an expedition against the Cherokee. For 20 years from 1756 to 1776, the settlement around the stockade was the westernmost outpost of Colonial Civilization. .
March 3, 1785 - Promissory note from Ben Ballew to David Nelson Witness: William Rutherford Burke County, NC Land Records, 1779-1790, page 120.
1786 - William Rutherford Jr. was a petitioner for tax relief in the Three Creeks area of Burke County, NC.
1793 - William Rutherford mentioned in his last will in Court Jan 1793 he entered 143 acres on Paddy's Creek 1778, his land joined Isaac Ferrell on Paddy's Creek.
1793 - William Rutherford was a petitioner for tax relief in Three Creeks area Burke NC 1786. Listed only on 1790 Burke census with 2 males over 16, 2 females and 5 slaves. One of the males was his son, David since he is not on 1790 census and he still had one daughter at home. .
Last Will and Testament of William Rutherford 3/18/1809 Lincoln Co. , North Carolina wife - Elizabeth eldest son - James Rutherford second son - John Rutherford youngest son - Isaac L. Rutherford son - David P. Rutherford daughter - Anny Rutherford executor - John McCarver and James McCarver. witnesses - James McCarver, James McCarver Jr., John McCarver
Generation 15
----------------15. David Rutherford b. abt 1770 Burke Co., North Carolina d. Indiana bef. 1828 m. [1] Mary Hyatt b. abt 1771 Burke Co., North Carolina d. in Macon Co., NC - 1841 divorced: between 1801 and 1808
Burke County, North Carolina, Land Records and Miscellaneous Records 1751 1809 by Edith W. Huggins - p. 161 - File 1790 - Joseph Dobson, Sr. vs. James Rutherford. Bond: David Rutherford, 2 papers on file, July. Dr. Joseph Dobson was from Lunenburg County, Virginia and served on Rutherford’s 1776 Cherokee Expedition. Dr. Joseph Dobson was Mary Hyatt's brother's father-in-law - Seth Hyatt.
David Rutherford qualified with Robert Montgomery as Exec. of William Rutherford's estate Jan 1793 and about same time received deed of gift from William of Negro man. Robert Montgomery was probably a son-in-law although marriage records between Montgomery and Rutherford have not been located.
David Rutherford gave security for Robert Montgomery to be Administrator of estate of Bridget Montgomery Oct 1798.
David Rutherford served on a Burke NC jury a number of times; 1793, 1798 and was a Grand Juror in 1796.
There was a deed for 143 acres from David Rutherford to William Connelly dated 3 Apr 1797. William Connelly was married to Rebecca Sherrill and was the son of John and Jane Ballew Connelly. His brother was Israel Pickens Connelly.
A deed for 155 acres from Strawbridge Young to David Rutherford dated 4 Oct 1799. Strawbridge Young, the son of Thomas Young and Naomi Hyatt. Thomas Young and Naomi Hyatt were David Rutherford's wife's [Mary Hyatt] aunt and uncle - Strawbridge was her 1st cousin. Naomi being the sister of Mary Hyatt's father Hezekiah Hyatt. Strawbridge Young was the first Young to settle in what would become Yancey County, NC. He was born March 4, 1772, and was probably named for Methodist minister Robert Strawbridge. [see Hyatt family records]
David Rutherford was appointed road overseer from Morrow Ford on North Fork to Paddy's Creek Ford on Linville Ridge Oct 1801 and replaced Jan 1803. This is in present McDowell, NC.
David Rutherford received a land grant in Burke NC Dec 1814.
David Rutherford made purchases at the Old Morganton (Burke Co.) NC store in 1792 along with John and James Rutherford [brothers].
David Rutherford is listed in the 1800 and 1810 census records:
Burke NC 1800 census: 2 males 0-10, 1 male 26-45, 3 females 0-10, 1 female 26-45, 2 slaves.
John Carson and Lidy Cox married Jul 25, 1809 - David Rutherford - bondsman - no witness - Burke County, NC
1810 Burke NC census: 1 male 10-16, 1 male 16-26, 1 male 26-45, 3 females 10-16, 1 slave. [Mary Hyatt does not appear in this census]
David Rutherford and Mary Hyatt were divorced sometime between 1801 and 1808 and David migrated to Indiana sometime between 1814 and 1818.
William Stallcup and Mary Hyatt Rutherford were married on 10/27/1808 and they moved to Jackson Co. Tennessee. William was born 4/23/1786 in Orange Co., NC and died in 1878 and is believed to be buried near Sweetwater, TN. He was married twice: first to Mary Hyatt in 1808 [she is shown as daughter of Hezekiah Hyatt] and later, after Mary's death to Linney Sanders 5/29/1843 in Macon Co., NC. There were 11 children by the first marriage and 4 by second. None of the names shown match the Rutherford children. William Stallcup and his wife Mary Hyatt Rutherford Stallcup are believed to be the ancestors of all the Stalcups currently living in Western North Carolina.
Mary Birchfield Hyatt's estate belongings were listed for sale on July 20, 1837.
David Rutherford m. [2] Nancy Jennings Gee Nancy Gee married David Rutherford 2/22/1818 Washington Co., IN Nancy was the widow of Mark Gee d. in Casey Co., KY in 1811 m. 1803
Nancy Gee was appointed guardian to John, Martha, Rhoda and Josiah Gee in the January 1817 probate records [vol A-pg 54] of Washington Co., IN. Sureties were James McKinney and Elias Williams. This proceeding also was recorded in Casey Co., KY, deed records (bk 2, p 350).
Mark Gee and Nancy Jennings m. 5/9/1803 in Mercer Co., KY d. in Casey Co., KY in 1811
four Gee children: John (c1804-1872) Martha (1805-1849) Rhoda (c1808) Josiah Gee (c1810-1876)
Nancy Jennings Gee Rutherford lived in Washington Co., IN - 1817
The 1820 US census shows David Rutherford with seven children, four of whom match the age ranges of the Gee children. [Four girls/three boys] The appearance of three additional children indicates either that David Rutherford had other children from an earlier marriage, or he and Nancy had two children between 1818-1820. There are three missing daughters from David's first marriage.
Three of the Gee children were married in Washington County; John later moved to Clay Co., IL, while Martha and Josiah settled in Boone Co., IN.
Generation 16
----------------16. William Rutherford
b. 5/7/1793 d. 11/2/1855 burial: Posey Cemetery, Madison Township, Washington Co., IN m. [1] Anna McKinney ("Washington Co., IN Madison Township Cemeteries")
William Rutherford was executor of David P. Rutherford's estate in 1828.
Guardianships - Wash. Co., State of Indiana
The undersigned about to be appointed guardian of the person and property of Wm. Franklin Colglazier, minor heir of Caroline Colglazier and heir at law of William Rutherford, deceased. late of Wash. Co. IN. Samuel Colglazier & Abraham Colglazier were appointed guardians, 24 Jan 1856. Caroline Rutherford and Samuel Colglazier were married 12/29/1849 in Washington Co, IN. Samuel Colglazier, b. March 22, 1828; married Sarah Mc Pheeters, October 09, 1856, Orange Co., IN and brother Abraham Colglazier, b. March 02, 1832 Washington Co., Indiana; married Caroline Rutherford Trinkle, July 11, 1853, Washington C., Indiana.
Malinda Guthrie of Washington Co, IN pages 521-522, Will record C. June 8th, 1868 – probated Oct. 6th, 1868. Heirs: Nephew Wm. F. Colglazier, provided he live with me and take care of me. My brothers and sister: Matilda Trinkle, John Rutherford, Louisa Elliott, William Rutherford, Joseph Rutherford, Sarah Hancock, or their heirs or legal representatives. Executor: John Gilstrap. Witnesses: Archibald and Gowin Davis.
Sarah Catherine Rutherford chooses Hezekiah H. Rutherford to be her guardian of her Father's estate, 19 Jan 1856. Her father was William Rutherford, deceased. John Rutherford was administrator of William Rutherford's estate. William owned 120 acres in Wash. Co.
From the Salem Democrat, 10 Mary 1882, Livonia Items dated 8 May 1882 “Another old pioneer gone home. Hezekiah Hyatt Rutherford, aged about 83 years, died on the 3rd instant, at his home in this township, after a very brief illness. Hezekiah Hyatt Rutherford; born in NC 11 August 1800 d. 3 May 1882.
Thomas Brittain was appointed guardian of William, John, and Ann Trinkle, heirs of William Rutherford deceased. 12 Oct 1857
William Rutherford with David Patton as his security, is appointed guardian of the persons and estates of of Lewis, John & William Bowles, minor heirs of Thomas C. Bowles, late of the county, deceased. 7 Jan 1850. Their uncle Dr. William A. Bowles opened the first French Lick Springs Hotel. In the 1850's Bowles helped to charter the town of French Lick, IN. He managed the hotel until his death in 1873.
Generation 17
-----------------17. William McKinney Rutherford b. 1/2/1824 Washington Co., IN d. 3/22/1880 Marion Co., Iowa m. [1] Maranda Emaline Hagan 9/17/1848 Marion Co., Iowa b. 10/3/1830 IN d. 7/23/1907 Marion Co., Iowa
In 1848 William Rutherford and Maranda Hagan were married 3 weeks before Maranda's 18th birthday in Marion County, Iowa. They were some of the earliest settlers in that area of Iowa. The county had only been formed three years earlier in 1845. William went to Marion County, Iowa in 1848 where he married Maranda. William and Maranda knew each other from Indiana, both were born near Salem, Indiana in Washington County and died in Attica, Marion County, Iowa. They are buried together at Indiana Chapel cemetery in Marion County, Iowa.
Maranda was the daughter of Julia Ann Phelps and Francis Hagan. Julia and Francis were married in 12/22/1829 in Washington Co., IN. After the death of Francis Hagan and their infant daughter from cholera, Julia Ann married Daniel Sherwood in 5/26/1839. Daniel F. Sherwood brought the family from Indiana to Marion County, Iowa after 1845. The Sherwoods had been neighbors of the Rutherfords and Trinkles in the area of Madison Township, Washington Co., IN. William Rutherford’s father [also William] owned land near to Daniel and Hugh Sherwood in Washington Co, IN in the 1830s and continued to buy acreage after William Jr. and the Sherwoods left for Iowa. (Washington County Early Land Records – pages 18-19) (Obit - Maranda Emaline Hagan Rutherford - wife of William McKinney Rutherford - Knoxville Journal, Knoxville, Iowa - July 26th, 1907) (Marion County, Iowa Probate Records - William McKinney Rutherford - filed March 22nd, 1880 - Box 506, case B and 732 - Box 634 case 1839 and 2060)
Another close neighbor; Christopher Trinkle, had fought in the Revolutionary War in the Virginia Line with Francis' father Charles Hagan. Chris Trinkle also owned land in Washington Co, IN in the 1830s. (Washington County Early Land Records – pages 18-19) Chris Trinkle's grandchildren by his grandson Gordon Trinkle and Matilda Rutherford moved in with William Rutherford Sr's family following her death. Adam Trinkle, another child of Chris Trinkle's, also married William's daughter Hannah Rutherford.
Maranda Hagan was the granddaughter of Charles Hagan [1761-1839] and Susannah Hagan who came from Virginia to Indiana following the Revolution. Charles was a veteran of the Revolutionary War and fought from 1777 to 1780 in The Virginia Line - age 16 to 18. He was led by Colonel Grayson and Captain Thomas Triplett. Charles and Susannah lived in Washington Co. IN and neighboring Jackson Co., IN. Charles was buried in Driftwood Cemetery, Jackson County, IN. Charles and Susannah Hagan had 10 children.
Generation 18
------------------18. William Francis Rutherford b. 5/4/1851 Attica, Marion Co., Iowa d. 12/14/1926 Mt. Pleasant, Iowa burial: Highland Park Cemetery Kirksville, MO Great Grandpa Rutherford spent the last 2 months of his life in a hospital - admitted 10/4/1926 burial: Highland Park Cemetery Kirksville, MO
William Francis Rutherford worked as a teacher, a merchant and a farmer.His middle name, like that of his father’s, came from the generation of his grandparents, he being named for his grandfather Francis Hagan who died in Washington Co, Indiana
m. [1] Olive Jane Dunn b. 9/21/1850 Highland Co.,Ohio d. 9/16/1907 Kirksville, MO
Olive Jane Dunn was the daughter of Samuel Ayers Dunn 1/15/1820 - 8/14/1862. Samuel Dunn's parents were James b. abt 1790 - d. 1/25/1849] and Mary Dunn b. abt 1789 - d. 1/19/1847. Samuel was 1 of 5 known children; Mary Ann [b. abt 1816, Phebe H. d. 9/7/1837, David and Martha Lucy Smith 6/10/1825 - 1/13/1901. Lucy Smith's 2nd husband was William Kibler 10/23/1814 - 7/9/1908 Lucy's parents were Walter and Rachel Smith of Highland County, Ohio.
Marion County, Iowa 1870 census Roll 409 at page 312.
Olive Dunn, 19, born OH, living with her mother & stepfather: William Kibler 54, born OH Lucy [Smith] 44, born OH Frederick 20, born OH Rosetta 4, born OH Albert 2, born IL.
Generation 19
-------------------19. Albert Loyd Rutherford b. 10/2/1890 - Attica, IA birth registry - Marion Co., Knoxville, IA d. 12/17/1955 - Walla Walla, WA father: William Francis Rutherford mother: Olive Dunn military service: US Army - WW I #3125148 - Honorable Discharge - 5/26/1919 discharged at: Fort D.A. Russell, Wyoming rank: Sergeant stationed at: Camp Lewis, American Lake, WA d. 12/17/1955 - Veteran's Hospital, Walla Walla, WA Dr. P. Seigel attending cause of death: heart attack age: 65 years, 2 months and 15 days funeral services: 1st Christian Church, Kennewick, WA Pastor: Rev. Virgil Halbig - 2:00pm Chapel burial: Riverview Heights Cemetery 1200 S. Olympia St - Kennewick, WA grave 10, lot 21, block 6 date of burial: Tuesday - 12/20/1955 undertakers: Crokerly and Groseclose Funeral Home - Walla Walla, WA Mueller Funeral Home - Kennewick, WA
survivors: daughter - Mrs. Betty Rutherford Harding grandson - Gary Rutherford Harding brother - Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rutherford sister - Mrs. Elizabeth Rutherford McKinney sister - Mrs. Bertha Rutherford Kirby
m. [1] Bernice Ring b. 1902 Minneapolis, Minnesota m. [2] Jessie Comstock b. Portland, Oregon [Lake Oswego] widower
--------------------20. Richard Horner - stepson b. 1921 Minneapolis, Minnesota d. 7/8/67 Merced, CA
--------------------20. Ora Bernice Rutherford b. 9/13/1923 - Inglewood, California d. 2/21/1937 - Pasco, WA
--------------------20. Betty Jeanné Rutherford b. 2/12/1928 - Bakersfield, CA d. 6/7/2002 - San Diego, CA
Generation 20
--------------------20. Betty Jeanné Rutherford b. 2/12/1928 - Bakersfield, CA d. 6/7/2002 San Diego, CA
February 12, 1928 - June 7, 2002
Betty Rutherford Keating, 74 of San Diego, CA died Friday June 7th. Mrs. Keating was born in Bakersfield, CA, she was the daughter of Albert Loyd Rutherford and Bernice Ring Rutherford. During the early years of the great depression, Mrs. Keating moved to Goshen County, Wyoming to live with her aunt and uncle, Earl P. Story and Ora Rutherford Story. Her uncle had homesteaded in the territory of Wyoming from the year 1910. Mr. Story raised horses and Ora Rutherford Story was the local one-room school teacher. In the late 1930's, Mrs. Keating moved with her aunt and uncle to Kennewick, Washington where she graduated valedictorian of Kennewick High School's class of 1946.
Mrs. Keating married Arthur Raymond Wiegand on Sept 7th, 1947 in Kennewick, WA. She was divorced on June 24th, 1954 and had one child by this marriage, Gary Rutherford Wiegand.
Mrs. Keating married Herman Harold Harding on February 20th, 1955 in Kennewick, WA.. She raised Mr. Harding's children as her own and by means of a reciprocal adoption the entire family took the name of Harding. She was widowed on December 2nd, 1965 when Mr. Harding died of a cardiac arrest at the age of 41.
During this time, Mrs. Keating was the Director of Services for the American Red Cross at the Veteran's Hospital in Vancouver, WA. At a 1967 White House reception, she was honored for her work with the American Red Cross by President Lyndon B. Johnson.
Betty married Harvey Keating on April 9th, 1977 in the Old Governor's Mansion in Sacramento, CA. Mr. and Mrs. Keating had just celebrated their silver anniversary this past April. Mrs. Keating was an active member of the Grossmount Hospital Auxiliary for the past 10 years.
Survivors include her husband, Harvey E. Keating and children.
Interment was on August 14th, 2002 at the Riverview Heights Cemetery in Kennewick, WA.
Generation 21
---------------------21. Gary Rutherford Harding b. 12/23/48 - Pasco, WA
Gary Rutherford Harding and his wife Sharon are the parents of four children; Christian, Gabriela, Peter and Sam.
Gary earned a Bachelor of Arts in Music Education in 1972 and in 1975 a Master of Arts in Music from Washington State University. Between the years of 1975 and 1978 he did post-graduate studies in cultural anthropology and ethnomusicology. His field studies were conducted in Abeokuta, Nigeria and Sao Paulo, Brazil. Today he teaches at a small university in Seattle, Washington. In that capacity, he has taught classes and authored numerous books in the area of ethnic music and arts inclusion.
"The Rutherfords in Britain: a history and guide" by Kenneth Rutherford Davis Alan Sutton Publishing Gloucester 1987
“The Rutherfords of Roxburghshire” Gary Rutherford Harding 6 editions from 1918 to 2002 privately published